About the Applied Christianity Project
The Applied Christianity Project was founded in 2023 and built upon a shared set of Christian beliefs and distinctives. The project starts from a basis of Scripture and seeks to faithfully apply Christ's teachings and state truth without fear or favour. The project is not a popularity contest, but rather a landmark to preserve and promote the Christian position on a range of current theological, philosophical and cultural topics. The project places a stake in the ground to declare a faithful standard.
While not perfect, historically, Australia sought to apply a Christian worldview in its public policy. However, our world has changed rapidly and is increasingly hostile to the things of Christ. The rapid change is known as going woke. Without apology, the AC Project is not woke, not is it reductionist like the much of the 'gospel-centred' movement; rather it is bottoms-up and organic.
Because many local churches are unable or unwilling to speak directly into controversial topics, the project has engaged Contributors from a range of denominations. Contributors develop and curate content so that believers and local churches are empowered to think Biblically into real life issues. It is our prayer that these practical resources may help believers discern wisely, stand firm in their faith, and provide an answer for the hope that is within us, all for the glory of God.
Applied Christianity Contributors have created modules and papers on a variety of topics. These form a discipleship hub of online presentations, videos, deep dive papers, media reviews and links to a variety of online and local church based courses and forums. While each module performs the role of the 'watchman' Ezekiel 33:1-11 - warning God's people of danger - they also offer words of hope. Every module points to Jesus for both the solution and the eternal hope which only He provides.
In Christ,