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A.I. and Our Mind

What is renewing our minds?

Artificial Intelligence

What is Shaping Our Minds?

Separating truth from error is increasingly a difficult task.  The internet has so much information that its content could be better classified as knowledge pollution rather than knowledge acquisition.  The Australian government recognised this as is introducing a new law trying to outlaw 'misinformation and disinformation'.  While the goal of curated truth may sound noble, it quickly becomes concerning when we let a government, any government, to determine for us what information we are allows to consume and think about.  The same goes for the corporations who program our news feeds with algorithms that grow based on machine based learning.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not science fiction, but is here today. Currently, it is estimated that 64% of the internet is content that is created by bots or artificial intelligence. The Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies predicts that by 2025, 99% of the internet will be bots.  AI will bring massive productivity gain and economic growth. However, it will also replace many jobs and vocations, leading to calls for Universal basic Income (UBI). The unique Christian value of humanity in the image of God will be challenged. The Applied Christianity Project is 100% developed by humans who are shaped by the eternal Word of God.  

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23 
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”

Philipians 2:5 

Yuaval Noah Harari has say that artificial intelligence is a super-human intelligence that could re-write and correct the Bible and create a new religion.  For that reason, it is wise for Christians to hold, cherish and use their own hardcopy printed versions of the Scriptures.  So many Christians access the Bible through a streaming servics whose content can be change instantly and without notice.  Short of a physical Bible, it is also wise to download and use a pdf version of the Scripture which cannot be altered by some 3rd party.  The AC Project has a pdf version of the Scriptures which you can download free of charge.  These actions rare not conspiracy, but are wise steps to ensure that our minds can continued to be shaped by God and his unchanging Word. 

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