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About God

What do we believe about God?

Our Belief

There is one unique and eternal God, who exists in an everlasting loving relationship of Father, Son, and Spirit – one God in three persons. God is sovereign in all things: including creation, revelation, redemption, judgement and the establishing of his kingdom. As sovereign loving creator and redeemer, he is worthy of all glory, honour and praise.

Distinctive Areas

One God

Who is God?

How is God defined?

Eternally Sovereign

Which God?

How Powerful is God?

Our Purpose in Him

How does I related to God?

How does God affect me?

One God

We believe in an eternal, living and triune God. God is omnipresent (everywhere), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipotent (all powerful). God is not our ancestors or nature, but the Creator and sustainer of all things. God is not a distant tyrant who has no interest in our world, but a personal Saviour who provides our daily needs. God is not a magic genie to grant our wishes, but the King of Kings to whom we belong and serve.

Eternally Sovereign

God’s eternal sovereignty means that He possesses authority and control over all things both inside and outside of time. Accepting God’s sovereignty means we can speak boldly into all areas of life. God is sovereign over all people, even those who do not recognise or who reject his rule. This means that we can proclaim that God’s Will will be done and that we can have confidence that He will ultimately judge all things with complete justice.  

Our Purpose in Him

Our purpose for which we were created, redeemed, and put on this earth is to live for the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1). God has not made any mistakes by placing us on earth in Australia at this moment in history. We are to work out with a sober mind what it looks like for each of us to live for His praise and glory in the circumstances that He has placed us. We rest assured in the knowledge that we are his sheep; He is our Shepherd and Jesus will not lose any of his sheep.

© 2023 Applied Christianity

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