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Western Civilisation and Christianity

Australia's Heritage

The Rise and Fall of Christianity in the West

The History of Australia:

Australia's history starts with thousands of years of hundreds of indigenous tribes and people groups.  Just over 200 years ago, they were joined by convicts and settlers from Europe.  Whether that addition is a settlement or an invasion, the reality is that the superior force and numbers of the Europeans meant that they brought in a dominate Christian culture under the rule of the British monarchy. Yet Australia did not operate as an equal society. The first European settlers were either convicts within a penal colony or the prison officers who policed the convicts.  While the convicts may have possessed a bent towards resisting government control, the prison officers possessed a bent towards harshly enforcing compliance without compassion.

Yet, for over 100 years, Australia continued to remain a collection of tribes and colonies until 1901. ​In that year, Australia became a nation through Federation. We created and adopted our own constitution inherited a law-based system.  While not perfect, the constitution was built on the Christian understanding of original sin and the need decentralise political power to the people through democracy. To this day, a copy of the Magna Carta - the inspiration for our constitution - sits with Australia's Parliament House as a reminder of that principle. The Federation reflected a culture built on a shared belief in Biblical principles - at the time known as ‘western values’.  In the 1700's it was the Royal Navy that stamped out the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  In Australia, John Anderson says that the young nation of Australia affirmed its belief in freedom by defending its values in WW1 on the shores of Gallipoli. The majority valued freedom, that was reflected in social culture and laws.  The origins of our police, justice and education systems stem from a desire for a Christian nation


Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

Psalm 33:12


Australia's representative Westminster system also reflected a belief that every voice mattered and needed to be heard. However, this was not true in practice. The equally valuable indigenous voice was not heard as aboriginals were not allowed to vote. For a supposed democracy, this was not a good thing. In 1967, Australia rightly changed its constitution to recognise indigenous Australians and grant all people equality under the law. Yet, equality did not resolve the visible differences or feelings of inequality. Statistically, Indigenous Australians continued to suffer worse economic and social effects than those of European decent.  And so motivated by compassion, Christians sent missionaries into indigenous communities to minister to their physical and spiritual needs. Many indigenous Australians began following Jesus, yet today some of their descendants resent that intervention.

Culturally, Australia has evolved as we have absorbed larger quantities of art and entertainment from both the US, UK and also created our own. We created a ratings systems for socially acceptable content and created a place for Special Religious Education in public schools. We even gave our national broadcaster, the ABC, a charter to program appropriate content for our nation. As a society, we largely agree upon the norms of what we wanted and where we were going. The Australian minister Glen Scrivener wrote the book 'The Air We Breathe' to highlight just how much of our understanding of society is build upon Christianity. Our culture also took its cues from Britain. In his book, The Truth and Beauty, social commentator Andrew Klavan explores how the lives and works of England's greater poets lead us to a deeper understanding of the words of Jesus.  However, the 21st century brought in the digital and social media era.  This allowed various identity groups to stream content into their minds from all corners of the globe.  This change has placed our social cohesiveness on life support.  

How Western Civilisation Falls:

In the last 50 years, Australia increasingly became multi-cultural.  While immigration has many benefits, this change also coincided with a diluting of shared Christian values. Former Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot is both a Christian believer and on the board of the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation.  He recently discussed 5 changes in the last 10 years which have profound spiritual and social consequences to them.

  1. Climate Cult - which robs the Creator of His worship and gives worship to the created.

  2. Covid Hysteria - which robs citizens of their conscience, freedom and livelihoods

  3. Gender Fluidity  - which robs children of their created gender and society of its ability to naturally reproduce.

  4. Magic Pudding Economics - which robs future generations of their earning potential and enslaves them to debt

  5. Cultural Suicide - which robs society of its history, law, order, peace and safety.

Today, Australia funds events that include burning rituals to idols of stone and wood as part of DarkMofo.  Wokeism is welcoming a return of pagan gods from earlier empires.  Alongside the erosion of public Christianity, the culture of personal freedom and liberty receded in favour of shifting ideas around 'collective good' - also known as socialism.  Those who are slow to accept social change have been known as conservatives - out of a desire to conserve our Christian heritage.  However, the rate of social change has been so rapid and so great that some a now wondering if there is anything left to conserve.  Instead of conservatives, will Christians once again be identified as rebels as was our Lord Jesus Christ?

The Solution

There is no political solution to these problems.  Our politicians are simply reflections of the values that we as a society have adopted. Short of repentance, reformation and revival, we will reap the full consequences of our sins. Our society is building towards looking for a sacrificial scapegoat.  The results may be an individual to kill, nation to invade, or people group to persecute.  Yet a sacrificial solution has already been provided.  This is why we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. 

As believers, we know there is no salvation apart from the True and Living God. God's people, the church, bear much responsibility.  Be enlarge the western church is characterised by cowardice. Preachers have a greater fear of man than they do of the Living God. As such they 'itch societies ears' while avoiding speaking faithfully into social and political topics. Many churches are distancing themselves from Biblical truth that and many will not want to be associated with this project. However, like Gideon, we know that faithfulness starts with a few. God can do great things through the small numbers. And so we remind ourselves of what God gave to His people Israel

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 

Furthermore, we pray for revival, knowing that revival starts by drawing a circle, standing inside of it and asking God to start revival within that circle. God in His love and grace may yet be merciful.  But God will not always strive with mankind. We know this, that Jesus will return as the righteous Judge. God in His sovereignty warned that the world would 'fall away' prior to His final judgement. And for believers, the Apostle Paul tells us to encourage one another with the promise of Jesus Return. If we put our hope in this world, we will be depressed.  But if we place our trust in Jesus, we will have ultimate hope and peace.

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