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Human Pyramid


What do we believe about Humanity?

Our Belief

Men and women together are created in the image of God, and therefore enjoy a unique dignity in creation and a unique relationship with God. Men and women together have dominion over the created order. Tragically, human nature is universally sinful since the Fall, and all are guilty before God. This leaves us under the wrath and condemnation of God. We are unable, without the prior regenerative work of God’s Spirit, to turn ourselves to God. 

Distinctive Areas

Image of God

Where do humans

derive their value?

Created Order

What are God's

roles for each of us?


How do we use and

care for the planet?

Original Sin

Why is there hurt

and pain in this world?

Turning to God

What does God

command us to do?

Image of God

Because we are all created in the image of God and have value because of God, we affirm that all lives matter - including but not limited to statements like Black Lives Matter and babies lives matter. There is only one race: humans. We reject critical race theory which seeks to divide humanity along ethnic or 'identity' lines. Instead, we embrace Jesus' command to love our neighbor. We believe in treating all people equally, not with equity programs that practice reverse discrimination. As God is the author of life, we oppose the taking of human life either as abortion or euthanasia. 

We believe that God created, redeemed, and purposed us to live blameless and holy lives. (Ephesians 1) We are to respect the unique dignity of all people and not enslave or abuse them. Our relationships with others should be reflected by our redeemed position with God. In Christ, there is neither male nor female, slave nor free, but our diverse backgrounds find unity in Christ alone. Our human relationship in Christ transforms how we think about and use our body, soul, and spirit.  

Men, Women and the Created Order

Jesus affirms that God created only two genders - male and female - to be united sexually in married fidelity. (Matthew 19:4-6) While we have compassion for those who experience gender dysphoria, we cannot affirm the transition between genders or the creation of additional genders. The roles of men and women are not interchangeable in church leadership or marriage. Homosexual practice, just like any other sin, cannot be blessed by Christ's church.  

Recognising that our bodies have been marred by the fall, we acknowledge that men and women are tempted cast aside the created roles God set for us. Our bodies are not neutral ‘meat puppets’ divorced from our soul but are instruments through which we engage in spiritual worship. We must use our bodies to bring honour to the name of Jesus Christ and to serve one another in Christian relationships. 

The pattern of creation is the 7-day week (6 days' work, 1 day rest). (Exodus 20:9). Our 24/7 world is driving increased rates of mental health decline and substance abuse. We seek to recover peace in our lives by restoring the practice of weekly rest and worship as God's community. The Sabbath practice is design as a benefit for man, not a burden. By setting aside regular, dedicated time to worship and commune with God, we believe we will both honour God and grow deeper in Him. 

Dominion and Creation Care

God's instruction to steward, reproduce and have dominion on the earth remains true for today. We recognise that the climate may be changing, and it is good creation care to limit our pollution. However, we reject the notion that humanity is a scourge on the earth which needs a population reduction. As Christians we should consider the pro-human and anti-human effects on any specific initiatives to reduce carbon to make sure they do not do more harm than good to human flourishing around the world. We reject the fear that the earth is about to become uninhabitable in the near term.  

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,

cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease"

Genesis 8:22 

Original Sin and Prior Regenerative Work 

Humans are fallible and sin is corrosive and extensive since The Fall. Sin is more than individual acts of commission, but also includes acts of omission, the nature with which we were born, and the brokenness of the world in which we live, and our depraved minds which require renewal and transformation in Jesus - Romans 12:2   Sin affects all of us and each of us requires the gift of redemption, so that none of us can boast.  

God predetermined His rescue plan before the foundation of the world. Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. This is not a fatalistic view of history, but rather recognises that God is fully in control. Humans are not able to enlighten themselves without the illumination of the Holy Spirit. We reject humanistic deism whose utopian empirical movements of Marxism, Nazism and communism have murdered and enslaved millions. Instead, we preach gospel transformation which freely and individually converts the hearts of men to God.  

Turning to God as Individuals and a Community 

God calls both individuals and nations to repent by turning to Him. As individuals turn to God, then so will communities and nations follow. Repentance is a transformation of the mind and behaviour. We confess our sins in coming to God for salvation and for seeking a right relationship with Jesus as His disciples.  

In the Old Testament, God chose the nation of Israel in His promise to Abraham. God rescued His people out of slavery in Egypt and brought them to the freedom of the promised land so they could worship the Lord. We believe that both Australians and Australia should heed God’s call to turn to Him. For that reason, we both evangelize and disciple people and seek for Australia to turn to Jesus.  

© 2023 Applied Christianity

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