In the Image of God
Where do human values and human rights originate?
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What Makes Humans Valuable?

Human Dignity
Caring for Vulnerable People
The concept of human rights can only be determined in the light of the image of God. Without a knowledge of an unchanging God, we are left with the question of which humans gets to determine what constitutes a violation of another person's rights. Is it those in power, is it those with the most money, is it those with the loudest voice?
Life Matters
Aged Care and Elder Values

Quality of Life
Do unto Others - Refugees, Slavery and Loving Others

Contrasting Worldviews
The concept of human rights can only be determined in the light of the image of God. Without a knowledge of an unchanging God, we are left with the question of which humans gets to determine what constitutes a violation of another person's rights. Is it those in power, is it those with the most money, is it those with the loudest voice?
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Counter Aspect 1
Counter Aspect 2
Counter Aspect
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