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Phase 2

The following topics are planned for development in Phase 2 of the Applied Christianity Project

Marriage and the Created Order
Heritage and Ethics
Wisdom Literature
OT Kings and Prophets
Exile Living
The Gospels
Acts and The Church
Education and Parenting
Wedding Party

Marriage and the Created Order

Men/Women, Male/Female. Are roles and gender interchangeable? How does this impact how we operate in our relationships, homes, workplaces, the church and society?  See God and salvation in the created order of His design? 

Thinking about Identity

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky

Australia's Heritage and Ethics

Australia's heritage was built on Judeo-Christian ethics as established by God and communicated through Scripture.  Today those ethics are fast waning, but at what cost?  How can we best defend and recover those ethics within our communities and families?


Wisdom and Proverbs

We can either learn from others mistakes or we can make our own. Thankfully, through the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, God has recorded wise directions for living.  As His followers, we have the privilege of exploring God's wisdom.   Thinking about Wise Living


Old Testament Kings and Prophets

God's people rejected His rule and demanded a king. God granted their desire, but warned them kings would oppress them. Today, rich rulers continue to oppress the poor.  So we long the perfect King to come.  "All the OT prophets point to the Messiah" - Dave Sheath.  


Exile Living

Christianity is naturally counter cultural. Much of the Old Testament records how God's people lived in exile. As the Western world increasingly becomes hostile to followers of Christ, what lessons can we learn from those who have previously lived in 'Exile'.


The Gospels

The first four books of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, are called 'The Gospels'  They are accounts of Jesus' life and teachings including who He claimed to be and what He came to do. Thinking about Jesus

Bride of Christ.jpeg

Acts and The Church

Import content from 'The Connect Course'

 Thinking about God's Church

Online Education

Education and Parenting

What commands does God give parents to teach their children?  What content and experiences should we expose children to and when? How should we think about public, private and home education options in light of God's plans? Thinking about Training 

Image by charlesdeluvio

Lust and Pornography

Godly living is to be the mark of followers of Jesus.  Yet our world is awash with lust and porn. How can believers live holy and blameless lives in the midst of a sin saturated world?

Thinking about Dealing with Temptation

Collecting Money

Money and True Wealth

God says money can be invested for good, yet loving it is the root of all evil. How does knowing God change our thinking about our careers, money and true wealth? What are the pracitcal implications for how we navigate, fear, greed and providing for our needs? 

Thinking about Money

Cemetery Gravestones

Hope Beyond This World

Because of the fall, we will all one day die. But Jesus brings eternal life for those who trust Him. What does this hope practically look like? How does our resurrection hope shape how we feel day to day and also provide comfort as we pass on from this world? 

Thinking about the Christian’s journey to Heaven

Stained Glass Praise

The Return of the King

As earthly kings continue to conspire and wage war, how tightly should be hold to earthly things?  What should be our expectation regarding Jesus promised return and eternity?  What comfort and hope does this bring to the believer? Jesus’ Return Thinking 

Lust and Porn
Money and True Wealth
Hope Beyond This World
The Return of the King

© 2023 Applied Christianity

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