God’s handiwork in the womb, as he knits us together, is largely unseen until a child is born. Through lifelike models and a detailed foldout timeline of development, you (and your children) will be fascinated by the miracle of life—from fertilization through birth! Also included in the book is a behind-the-scenes timeline showing the process to create the exhibit.
Since its unveiling, the new Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit has been touching hearts and changing lives. This powerful walk-through experience reveals the miraculous development of babies in the womb and shows that both the Bible and science confirm that a baby’s life begins at fertilization. Tens of thousands of guests have already come through this one-of-a-kind Creation Museum display.
Showing the God-ordained process of children maturing in the womb, this exhibit tenderly reveals that every baby at every stage is fully human and made in God’s image.
This review is from Answers In Genesis Australia where you can also order the book.