I have finished reading The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab - President of the World Economic Forum. Here is a summary of its contents.
Executive Summary
COVID 19 will re-shape our world on a scale more like World War II than the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, 9/11 or the Great Depression. To consider how COVID will impact our world, we need to consider the state of our world. Our global economic world is marked by three characteristics:
Interdependence, (supply)
Velocity (speed) and
Complexity (volume)
So, we should not view today's world as 190 individual boats (countries) on a global ocean. Instead, we should view our world as 190 cabins on a single cruise ship on a global ocean.
Furthermore, COVID-19 is not a single black swan event. Rather it is the mother of many black swan events to come. COVID will be seasonal and sustained and it will be with us for a long time. Therefore, containment of the virus will necessitate a new global surveillance network. The next hurdle in addressing the virus will be the political challenge of vaccinating enough people worldwide. (We are only as strong as our weakest link). The Great Reset then predicts the areas where COVID will usher change in our world.
Economic Aspects, Social Unrest, Return of Big Government, Social Contract, Geo-Political Unrest, Environmental Reset, Technology Reset, Micro and Individual Reset
To avoid a disastrous fate, we must learn from the mistakes of the past and implement a 'Great Reset'. The pandemic gives us that rare opportunity. George Floyd’s death and protest responses was the first domino that marked social fairness changes for historically marginalised groups. It demonstrates that human change occurs not from statistical data, but emotions, sentiment and narratives. There is a systemic connection of epidemiological risk and social risk. Klaus admits that statistically, the COVID-19 mortality rate makes it one of the least deadly pandemics the world has seen in the last 2000 years. But when combining COVID-19 with questions of systemic fairness, the impact of the pandemic justifies a Global Reset of social contracts. Just as WW2 led to new forms of international cooperation, COVID should lead to global cooperation around nuclear threats, climate change, use of essential resources and different standards of living. So, we are at a crossroads- one where we start respecting Mother Nature or one that returns to the worst aspects of the past.
This review is from The Reset Continues, where you can read the full book.