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Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Evangelization and Ideology
Secular political ideologies attempt to provide a total view of reality without reference to the transcendent. Yet all of them are, at...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Letter to the American Church
In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave
Though their bodies lie cold and dormant, the grave cannot contain the influence these seven men have had on today's world. They continue...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Christian vs State Schools
With the federal government currently reviewing the funding arrangements for public and private schools – through the Gonski report, the...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
Greed Is Good
Gordon Gekko’s famous slogan from the movie Wall Street, came to encapsulate the eurphorea of the economic growth of the 1980’s. Fast...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Idolatry is frequently spoken of in the Bible. Idols of the Old Testament and idols of today (in many non-western nations) are typically...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
The Perils of Capitalism
As a child of the 1980s, I grew up in the shadow of the cold war. The Free World (led by America) were the good guys while the...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Celebrity Christians
One of most defining features of our time is the rise of the celebrity. Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are famous for being famous....

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Breaking Down Discrimination
We have heard that the path to God is ‘narrow’. In the OT, the path to salvation was restrictive. While God laid out a path through...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
Labels … More Harm than Good?
Do you every wonder why Spirituality is respected, but Religion is a dirty word? Consider the myriad of Christian terms: Protestant,...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
Life As A House
For most of us, our biggest financial investment, will be the purchase of a house. The need for shelter is a necessity of life. However,...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
I Kissed a Girl, and I Liked It
The elephant in the room is sexuality. Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are everywhere. Sex is rarely discussed in churches, but Sex is the one...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
Do You Feel the Hate?
Like most sane people, I want to be liked. It feels good to have smiles all around and a friendly society to live in. However, am I the...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
Smart Phone, Dumb People
Over the past 5 years, the rise of the smartphone has been incredible. They have changed the way we live, the way we work, the way we...

Jeremy Crooks
2 min read
So How is that working out for you?
A large benefit of my faith in Christ, is that it helps me make sense of this world. As a follower of Jesus and his teachings, I realize...

Jeremy Crooks
3 min read
Defining Ourselves
In today’s world of social media, personal branding has become ‘important’. Many people are concerned about how they are perceived and...

Jeremy Crooks
5 min read
Freedom of Speech, Censorship, and the Gospel
Note: I first started writing this post over 2 years ago, but never published it. Since the advent of the Charlie Hebdo massacre and...
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