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Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Scripture Alone - Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity
A denial of the sufficiency of Scripture is at the core of almost every form of opposition to the Christian faith today. Scripture Alone...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
The Barefoot Disciple
This book will make you more like a disciple and less like a consumer with your money. Spending, saving, giving & investing—it’s a...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Pocket Guide to Noah's Ark
Can we really believe the biblical account of Noah’s Ark? How could the Ark hold all those animals? How could Noah care for all the...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Pocket Guide to the Tower of Babel
How is the biblical account of the tower of Babel described? Why were the people disobedient toward God? Did all ~7,000 languages today...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Pure Sex
Sex—pure, unadulterated and free. Stripped of all the guilt and restrictions of a bygone age. Liberated from the boring claustrophobia of...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Is God Green?
Do we need to save the planet? Is the future of our world at stake? It's hard to escape questions like this in the media and the wider...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
God's Good Design
Although Claire Smith was a young adult when she came to know Jesus, it wasn't until she went to theological college that she noticed...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Correct, Not Politically Correct
Is there anything wrong with same-sex marriage or transgenderism? Who could possibly be hurt? Using sound reason and evidence―not...

Jeremy Crooks
1 min read
Hide Your Children
Having conquered all the major institutions of our culture, the left is closing in on its final frontier—your children. In this new book,...
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