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The Church

What do we believe about the Church?

Our Belief

The visible church is the gathering of believers around Christ in his word. It is a community of people intended by God to bear witness to him and actively seek the extension of his rule. Within its community both men and women are to seek proper expression of their gifts as they work to build the church in love. The Bible makes clear that in church leadership, as in marriage, the roles of men and women are not interchangeable. We are committed to expressing the differences within relationships of mutual dependence. 

Distinctive Areas

Why and When?

Why and when do we

gather as God's people?

Using our Gifts

To serve 

one another

When and Why We Gather?

Because of the weekly creation pattern, we seek to gather at least once per week. Beyond that pattern, we encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to gather regularly for further spiritual edification and encouragement. As the world becomes increasingly hostile and Jesus’ return approaches, the frequency of our gatherings should increase. 


"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another,

especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." 

Hebrews 10:25 

When we gather we: 

  • Sing songs of praise together that magnify the glory of God

  • Confess our sins and remind each other of the complete forgiveness won for us through Jesus

  • Share testimonies of God's faithfulness to keep His promises as we anticipate His return.

  • Practice spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible reading, meditation, and memorisation.

  • Build Christian formation by constructing a Biblical framework to stand against a secular worldview.

  • Preach the Word of God so that we may grow in our knowledge and love for the Lord.

  • Celebrate the ceremonies of the Lord's Supper and Baptism as reminders of what Jesus has done.

  • Honour significant life events such as births, deaths, marriages and holy days of remembrance. 

  • Impart Christian wisdom and discernment from generation to generation - the older to the younger. 

  • Serve one another with the gifts God has provided and giving back generously to the Lord.

  • Praying for each other to stand against the forces of evil so that God's Kingdom may come.

  • Look for opportunities to invite others to come to meet Jesus and join His kingdom.

  • Eat together as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet that God is preparing for us.

Using Our Gifts

The church is not a vending machine to simply provide a spiritual sugar hit. Rather, the church is God's chosen vehicle for building His Kingdom in this age, so that we may be presented as a holy and blameless bride of Christ. Therefore, we are not lone wolf believers, but are part of a body that we need and that needs us.

God has provided each of us with spiritual gifts and roles for the purpose of building up the body of Christ. Not everyone has the same gift or role, but we are all equally valuable and necessary in Christ.  The types of gifts given to the church are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophesy, discernment, and languages and interpreting them. Not every church will have need of all these supernatural gifts at all times, but the Holy Spirit will provide them when needed for the purpose of building His church. 

© 2023 Applied Christianity

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