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Tearing down Christian Foundation


Virtue Signalling and Cancel Culture

Historically, Australia has sought to apply a Christian worldview in its public policy. While our nation's history is not perfect, recently the world has changed rapidly.  The Spirit of our New Age (zeitgeist) is increasingly hostile to the things of Christ and by extension our Christian heritage and civilisation. 


Culturally, the West has 'awoken' and exchanged the Christian worldview for a secular or pagan worldview. The Applied Christianity Project is not woke. 'Woke' largely represents rapid ideological and systemic change that seeks to deconstruct heritage, institutions and the Christian faith. Ideology is a spiritual battle and so we contend for the faith once delivered for the saints, recognising that salvation is not through 'wokeness', but through a Great Awakening of the Holy Spirit.   Make no mistake, wokeism is a spiritual battle. The tactics of wokeism rest of three pillars of attack.  They are:

  1. Redefining Truth: Words like gender, Diversity, Racism etc all must be given new meanings and applications.  These actions destroy the shared historical understanding of absolute truth, while providing a blanket of protection for 'new think.

  2. Cancel Culture: If someone won't play along with the 'new mob rules', they must be cancelled.  The media and Big Tech seek to transform our 'community standards'. No justification is need to cancel one's internet presence.  Hollywood also sees to erase 'Privileged, white, or  Christian' backgrounds. Cancel culture is the tacking of totalitarian communist regimes.

  3. Virtue Signalling: In order to feel good and morally superior in pursuing tactics 1 and 2, the next step is to signal one's virtue about their chosen position.  In a declaration of pride, the culture celebrates the new age position and 

Wokeism is the Frankenstein of Political Ideologies

Dr Matthew Pretrusek

Ultimately, the real target of wokeism is about reseting and replacing Christianity and humanities need for Christ.  If humans can create their own virtue and erase the guilt that comes from both natural and reveal law, then they can erase God and thereby become God - which is just a repeat of the Tower of Babel.  Such a rebellion is what the devil is advocating for.  Sadly, many churches are allowing woke ideas into the church and it is a dangerous Trojan horse.  Some people even identify as woke Christians which is a tragedy. The devil wants to corrupt God's church, but God calls us to watch and be faithful.  This Project is part of helping the church stand faithfully and speak boldly.  

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